This is the 4th…
… baby blanket featured on the blog. I’m afraid that for you – my faithful readers – this might indeed become somewhat boring – all these blankets are somehow alike and only vary slightly in size and pattern. As the ones before it, the top is assembled from squares cut from different fabrics. This time, though, three of the patterns came on just one piece of fabric. The fabric for the squares as well as the beautiful elephant fabric are from Frau Tulpe in Berlin. The baby’s mother actually helped picking them out this time.
For the backside I found some lovely blue-greenish fabric. At first I was afraid it might be too heavily patterned to be used on the top as well. I was planning on using some contrasting fabric or maybe something in the beautiful turquoise colour (featured in the striped squares), but, unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything to match that. And since I had bought way too much fabric for the backside, I decided to give it a try and used it to separate the „elephant parade“ from the squares, for the little corner squares and for the binding. Even though I still think that turquoise would have been nice, I like that the blanket looks cheerful and bright now – just like it should for a little child.
Hope you enjoyed this, I have a post about my daughter’s birthday present coming up – maybe by the beginning of next week…
PS: I almost forgot – for quilting, I combined for squares to one (mentally) and went along the seems. I really don’t put enough effort into the quilting itself … lazy me!